Answered Prayer: October 2019

Praise God:
- For the twenty Farsi-speaking believers from four different churches in Vienna who attended the appologetics seminar in October. We are especially thankful that God granted improved to health of the translator’s wife so that he could attend without concern for his family. We are also thankful for the Speaker, Gernot Zeilinger, and for the great job he did of conveying the goodness, truth, and beauty of the Gospel.
- For a wonderful trip to Albania in October. We were very encouraged to meet with a church in the south eastern part of the country who is seeking to raise up trained leaders for the church and to plant new churches in the surrounding area. Continue praying with us as we seek to take the next steps to encourage them.
- For a good start to our discipleship class in the Farsi-speaking church. We have around eight to twelve people who faithfully attend and we are already into the second chapter in the book of Galatians. Pray that they would continue to learn and grow in their knowledge and love of Christ and His gospel.
Answered Prayer: October 2019 Read More »